Real life biking
With the weather finally turning awesome here in Seattle and the days being longer and longer I'm really looking forward to getting out of the basement and onto the real bike.Today was one of those days to go on a ride in real life. You can take a look at it on Strava.This was the second time this year that I went out on a ride... coincidentally it was the same ride. It has a good long hill on it that I want to get better at; the hill climbs from Golden Gardens up to Loyal Heights some 300 feet up. Last time I didn't do it right -- I got up, but I was dead. This time I did it better: higher gears and not being afraid to stand up on the pedals.
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Good biking is something that I miss from living in Solon. It was almost ideal in fact. There was a number of challenging hills -- but you could opt for level as well if you wanted to. You were near enough civilization that you can easily get to a bike shop. But just a half mile out the sidewalks fully stopped and you got to hills and farms.Here in Seattle I have way more biking culture. Bike shops everywhere. Lots of bikers. Most of where there is to ride though is on city streets. It's good for commuting, but it's a bit more annoying dodging traffic.
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Regardless of location... I think I just have a fetish of sorts for two wheeled ways of getting around. Both the pedal bicycle and the motorcycle have an allure that I can't quite get over.Go figure.